Reviews in for OLIVER at the Chichester Theatre with PHILIP FRANKS

An image of a young boy's face painted in brown and black ink and paint, with visible splotches and brush strokes. The boy is looking straight ahead with an innocent expression, his hair is swept to the side. In the background is a London skyline including St Paul's Cathedral.

Reviews are in for Oliver at the Chichester Theatre with Philip Franks

“The orphaned Oliver escapes the harsh Victorian workhouse and takes refuge in London’s murky underworld with the wily gang leader Fagin and his team of resourceful pickpockets led by the Artful Dodger. He finds a friend in the kind-hearted Nancy and when he’ s wrongly arrested for stealing, Oliver meets an unexpected saviour; but is happiness truly within his grasp?”

WhatsOnStage  – 5* – “Revival, Glorious Revival”

The Stage4* – “leaves us, just like Oliver, wanting more.”

Portsmouth News – “This is a masterclass in modern musical theatre. The cast are sublime”

Showing until the 7th Sept. More info and tickets here


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